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Blog posts : "diabetes"

15 units less insulin in just 1 year.

This 27 years old female from M P, India, contacted us for her Type 1 Diabetes. She was diagnosed Type 1 diabetic at the age of 19 and was on insulin since then. 

She started Herbal medicines from us along with her insulin and in a period of 1 year, she was able to reduce her insulin requirement by …

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Excellent result on type 1 diabetes on this Indian patient from Jabalpur

This 26 years old girl is dependent on insulin for the last 7 years.

Read the case history in her own words......

She was able to start the medicine only in August 2013. And in just 1 month she was able to see the positive results and was able to reduce 1 unit of external insulin.
The next month Octo…

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Juvenile Diabetes - A curative approach

Most people don't understand Juvenile Diabetes fully and just take half treatment for it and say its incurable. Actually One has to understand in Juvenile Diabetes why the pancreas in not producing enough insulin. Doctors simply say that the pancreas got damaged. But why it got damaged? The patient…

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Wonderful results on Type 2 diabetes

A 32 years young girl  came to me seeking treatment for her type 2 diabetes ( fasting blood sugar above 230 and pp 380), Hypertension (150/110), fatty liver, uterine fibroid, obesity (82 kg), migraine, giddiness, nil on energy, always have vomiting sensation and many more problem.

She was just t…

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Healthy Lymphatic System - Key to good health

The lymphatic system is one of the most important but often neglected systems operating in the body. Most of the problems in the human body start due to the vitiation of lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is vital to our health and very life. Part of our immune system, it provides defense ag…

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Wonderful results on Type 1 Diabetes

A 27 years old, 5'5", 56 kg male from Gujarat, India contacted me for diabetes. His problems started after having scrotal abscess. His random blood glucose was 298 and fasting was 182. Then after 1 ½ months it again crept up to almost 221 fasting and 427 postprandial.
(All the mail cuttings taken…

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Foods That Lower Down Blood Sugar Levels

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia)Bitter Melon for Diabetes
Also known as balsam pear, bitter gourd, bitter cucumber, karela, and charantin. Is a tropical vegetable widely cultivated in Asia, East Africa and South America, and has been used extensively in folk medicine as a remedy for diabetes. Studi…

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Diabetes Treatment in Electro homeo

Many patients came to me for treatment Who had initially type 2 diabetes and then heading towards type 1 and their pancreas was not able to make enough insulin. The first thing we did was to repair their digestive system. Then the kidney so that it filters out the waste material and at the same time…

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8 blog posts