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Type 2 Diabetes

It is a metabolic Disorder in which the patient have high blood glucose readings over a prolonged period. A lot has been written about it over the net, but no one trying to do root cause analysis. The medical fraternity is more interested in making these patients a well managed chronic patient. The condition of these patients goes from bad to worse. 

The main reason for type 2 diabetes is the contamination of the interstitial fluid. The fluid through which the cells take glucose and it also throws out its waste into this fluid to be drained out by the lymphatic system. If this fluid is not cleaned, the toxic materials around the cells will not give path to the cells to absorb the glucose and hence a rise in glucose levels.  The insulin receptors also gets blocked due to this contamination.

To read more about Lymphatic system click here.

Lymphatic System

Along with the cleansing of the interstitial fluid, one must focus on the repair on the urinary system and the liver because these two organs might be damaged due to the extra workload.

Along with the medicines, proper exercise and healthy diet is a must.

Based on the above mentioned points, we have given treatment to many patients and their Type 2 diabetes have been reversed and they are living a non diabetic life.

Most of the Type 2 Diabetic patients keep on taking medicines to reduce the blood glucose and keep on saying that they are not getting cured. This is because other streams of medicine never gives importance to cleansing of the interstitial fluid, which is the root cause of this problem.  If the Interstitial fluid gets cleaned, they shall definitely live a diabetes free life.

Case History


Mrs. S S, F 44, M P, India

This 44 years old lady traveled more then 800 kms to meet us and get her treatment. She was suffering from RA, Spondylitis, Migraine, Thyroid, Hyper tension, Type 2 Diabetes and Acidity.

In just one month of she is free of her diabetes. She is not using her allopathic medicines for diabetes and still her blood glucose readings are coming normal. She is living a pain free life.


 Miss Jo, Hyderabad, India

This 32 years old from Hyderabad, India came to me with the following problems - fatty liver, DM2, Hypertension, Obesity, fibroid, Numbness in hands, Vision problem, acidity, persistent headache, weakness and low energy. She always complained of vomiting tendency while traveling.

In 10 days of treatment her headache went away, acidity gone, vomiting tendency gone, vision improved, numbness gone and significant improvement in the energy levels.

In 3 months time her fasting blood glucose which always used to be above 170 came down to 130.

After 8 months of treatment she is non diabetic.  She is not using any medicines. She has been advised to eat healthy and exercise regularly.

Mrs. B, Hyderabad, India

This 62 years old female always had her fasting blood glucose reading in the range of 180 - 190 and PP always above 300 despite taking her conventional medicines.

After using the herbal medicines and diet control and exercise for 3 months her fasting blood glucose reading came down to 125 and pp 180. She has been advised to continue with the diet control, exercise and meds regularly.


JDW, 69M, Taiwan

This 69 years young dutch living in Taiwan was able to reduce his BP and blood glucose just with a change in diet and exercise.


A small change was made in his diet and exercise plan. and his glucose readings got controlled.