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Blog posts : "osteoarthritis"

Alopathy Vs Electropathy ( Herbal Medicines )

Many a times some doctors of allopathy just discards any other form of medicines except allopathy. But when they see the excellent results on their near and dear ones......

This young allopathic doctor who was doing his research in osteoarthritis contacted us saw the result on his own father who is a…

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Osteo-Arthritis & Knee replacement - Herbal medicines a better bet

This 55 years lady contacted me from London for her Osteo-Arthritis. She was born knocked knee and having osteoarthritis for the last 17 years. Let me put her case in her own words

(Pic taken from internet just for illustration purpose)

She wasn't able to start medicines at that time due to her person…

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2 blog posts