This 29 years old lady contacted us from Bangalore some 600 kms away from us. She was suffering from RA, PCOD and Thyroid. Read the case history in her own words.
The test reports were also attached with her mail which confirms her RA.
Read the results of these herbal medicines in her own words.
This 75 years young lady was suffering from Lyme's disease and due to the pain in her knees due to lyme's arthritis, she was having lots of pain while walking. She had used all types of medicines and steroids but all in vain. Then they turned to NATURAL CARE and her husband contacted us from USA.
Many a times Alternative medicines are written off saying that the results are very slow and may be the patient has recovered on his/her own and not due to the treatment given by the practitioners of alternative medicines. But this is a false statement propagated by the practitioners of conventional…
Many a times some doctors of allopathy just discards any other form of medicines except allopathy. But when they see the excellent results on their near and dear ones......
This young allopathic doctor who was doing his research in osteoarthritis contacted us saw the result on his own father who is a…
The lymphatic system is one of the most important but often neglected systems operating in the body. Most of the problems in the human body start due to the vitiation of lymphatic system.
The lymphatic system is vital to our health and very life. Part of our immune system, it provides defense ag…
This 50 years old male from Malaysia contacted me for his Gout problem.
Let me put his case in his own words.
On further investigation he told us that he was having this Gout problem for the last 4 - 5 years and along with this he was having sinus and Asthma. And he wanted to have the Gout problem add…
Most people don't understand Rheumatoid Arthritis fully and just take half or wrong treatment for it and say it’s incurable. Actually one has to understand in RA why the immune system is attacking the joint fluid (synovium). If someone digs little further then the doctor tells only little that it’s …
This 55 years lady contacted me from London for her Osteo-Arthritis. She was born knocked knee and having osteoarthritis for the last 17 years. Let me put her case in her own words
(Pic taken from internet just for illustration purpose)
She wasn't able to start medicines at that time due to her person…
It was the occasion of my kids 1st birthday and i went to invite the neighborhood family for the birthday celebration. When i invited her along with her family for the celebration, she said that she is in terrible pain and won't be able to come. She promised that her daughter will come for the cele…