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Mouth Cancer - Herbal Treatment

This 37 years old lady traveled more then 1000kms from Solapur, Maharastra to meet me with a history of mouth cancer which was detected in 2011. She came to meet me on 18th August, 2013.

She had undergone commando operation of the left cheek. And she had undergone several cycles of Chemo and radiation.

The following was observed when she came to meet me.
a. Weight only 34 kg. Excessive weight lost since the detection of the Cancer.
b. Her teeth had melted due to the radiation and cannot open her mouth properly.
c. Mouth ulcers and Red patches all over the Mouth (inside the mouth).
d. Excessive hair loss.
e. RBC count very low (as per her blood report).
f. No Thirst.
g. Always dry mouth. No Saliva.
h. Always tired and energyless.
i. Unable to eat any kind of fruits, salt or spice. She was only on liquid diet (milk + Chapati).

Here is some of her report:

We generally don't take Cancer patients who had undergone surgery or Radiation because the lymph nodes are destroyed / removed by these methods and the chances to cure the patient vanishes. Readers interested to know about the lymph nodes and the lymphatic system can read here.

Lymphatic System

She had came from such a distance with a hope. I assured that i shall try every thing in my hand to give her relief. I also counseled her family members separately and told them that i shall try giving her maximum relief but i cannot assure a CURE, as the lymph nodes have already been destroyed and its difficult (can't say impossible because Nature has always surprised me) to regenerate them.

We started her treatment and asked her to be positive about her condition.

We had a telephonic consultation on 12th September 2013 and the following was observed.
a. No red patches in the mouth. Mouth ulcers gone.
b. Feels Thirsty. Drinks around 4 liters of water daily.
c. Dryness of mouth gone. Saliva is coming.
d. Feels hungry. Eats 3 - 4 times a day.
e. She is able to eat semi solid food. She can eat fruits, salty and spicy foods.
f. Glow on the face returns.
g. Significant improvement in the energy levels.
h. She was able to eat pooran poori after many years.

I have advised her to continue the medicines to get maximum benefits of these herbal medicines.

After 8 months of herbal treatment from Natural Care, now she is living a normal healthy life free of any medicines.

For more results on cancer visit Herbal Magic

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