( This case is being shared with the public with due permission of the patient to showcase the wonderful result of the herbs and for the benefit of those patients who just turn a blind eye on alternative medicines thinking that its just a waste of time and money. )
This 29 years young man contacted me from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India for his RA problem through Internet. I will put the case in his own words......
His reports clearly confirmed his RA.
Based on his detailed description and the reports provided by him i prepared his medicines and send it to him by post/courier. I told him that it will take around 10 - 15 days to get some positive results. But i was surprised to see the magical effect. You can see yourself....
Congratulations to the young man that his body responded so well to these herbs. In fact, most of the people say that internet is full of frauds and these herbal treatment is just a waste of time. But you poised your faith in us and got such wonderful result in such a short span of time.
Results after 12 days of treatment.
In just 12 days, see the young man who was not able to lift an empty tumbler or remote control is able to lift the heavy cricket bat and play cricket.